martes, 6 de febrero de 2007

I'm back with a question...and more...

QUESTION: Does anyone know which Castlevania for PS2 has the picture of the 3 headed gargoyle on the main menu screen? I need to get me ears on the motet that is sung on the main menu screen.

After much unsubtle prodding from Chick88, the blog is back. Since I owe her so much, I figured it was the least I can do.
I quit my job in April. It is a liberating thing being jobless, though mostly I'm liberated from money, which stinks. But since I couldn't have my prime number birthday party in October due to what was turning out to be a terminal house guest, I figured I'd do something equally stupid, so I quit. I don't miss it - even a little. I'm looking to be gainfully employed now. Help.
After being the Ambassador General to the Naysheen, I have a cat that lives with me. Bonus: he brought an owner with tons of books. Fortunately for them, I also love them both.
Of course, this blog space serves only as a venue for Lord Cream Horn (aka Captain Cream Horn) to share his genius with the internet. This is also his venue for scathing insults against the blog's authoress.

Look for "best of" posts, and return of "Quien Es Mas Macho" and the "Monthly Acronym Challenge" to be in full effect soon.

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